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You got questions? We got answers!

ISigRho practices an open door policy! We invite any and all women intersted in ISigRho to ask us about our beloved organization! If you can't find your answers here, send us a message under Contact and we will be sure to get back to you!


When were you founded?


We were founded by Saivee Rho-Amor on July 22, 2012. With the support and membership of her sisters, Cherokee Bellic and Victoria Rose Amat, Iota Sigma Rho has grown and prospered.


Are you accepting membership at this time?


We only have 4 rush periods a year. Please check out our application pge for more information!


BLAH. BLAH. BLAH. There are tons of Sororities on the grid. Why are you so special?

The skepticism to accept a new sorority on the grid is accurate. But, the fact of the matter is, we aren't technically "new". We've been here for a while. Some of us joined other organizations, others of us just went inactive. Lets us show you a comparison of us versus the masses.

All I see greeks do RL and SL is party! I'm not a partier!


This is an unfortunate truth! Yeah... we said it. The fact is, parties get everyone out to your event and give you attention. In the mean time a lot of things fall behind and you're left wondering, "uhhh... what are we here for?" Well, we never forever our call! 

Administratively, our orgnization has a purpose to keep moving. Our philanthropic obligation is to keep the efforts of Veteran Affairs and local veterans in mind! Every event, we will ever do, (excluding a couple Rush activities) will be for chartiy. Period. No exceptions. We party for a cause and NOT for a waste of time.


Click [ here] to join our facebook group of Philanthropic partners! Let us support your cause to make the world a better place!


Ok ok, so you told me all this stuff. I bet you wanna know what I can bring to the table and I have to "prove" myself to you.


Not at all. If you are a natural person of good character then their is nothing to prove. You reveal yourself. We want someen who want to build upon their principles, not esablish new ones. Each memeber has RL connections to each other and when one hurts, we all do. When one has pain we all have pain. One unit. One Sisterhood. Their is nothing to prove. Only time to grown and learn each other.



Girl! This is SL! Psht! Ain't nobody got time for that!


If you've reached this point then you might want to turn around and read #5. And maybe redefine "sisterhood" for yourself. Real life D9 & IFC Sorority legacies fronted this organization and find it hard to stop caring for someone once the monitor is off. If you DON'T think this is hard. Then ISigRho may not be for you. 

So what's you're hierarchy? Queens, Duchess's, Imps?


Negative! EVERY member, yes this includes the women that founded the organization, are called, simply, "sorors". No "GODDESS", no "Queen" nothing. Simply Soror, Sister.


You say you're founded by greek "legacies" and real life greeks? What does that mean?


Simply put, we have the experience and the knowledge of how to run a GREEK organization in a way that most people can on impersonate. This is not to say that other SL Greek Lettered organzation who lack this experience can't run a well put organization. It can happen. However, at our core, we were founded on those principles and you will be treated as such. A soror. A sister. Nothing less. You will have those same real life experiences within the confines of your Secondlife.


* Soror Saivee Rho-Amor is a memeber of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. (1922) and legacy of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority in (1920)


Your colors are somewhat similiar to other SL Sororities...


When others are imitating, it can come off that way. Each color was uniquely chossen and all of them carry a special meaning to the Sorors. Here are a few of them.


Purple - The color of royalty. (Rho) Soror Saivee & Soror Cherokees favorite color and the RL  school color of Soror Saivee's College Alma Mater.


Gold - The richest element from the Earth. Soror Victorias favorite color & one of the official colors of Soror Saivee's RL organization.


Onyx - One of the unofficial highlighted colors of ISigRho. Represents Power and shadows.



I am a lesbian who prefers to dress like a stud or male... Does this mean I can't be in a sorority.


Your sexuality and style is uniquely defined. We, as an open, pro LGBT, organization do not descriminate. We are very proud to have our lgbt members and we don't let that define us. Our diversity is what keeps us together.


We have members of varying ethnicities, international sorors and of various age. And we couldn't be happier! ANY woman, interested in sisterhood is more than welcomed. We embrace you all with love and friendship. Offering the best that is within us.

© 2016 by IotaSigmaRhoSorority             All rights reserved.  

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