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Soror Rhoyally Addictive

♡  Hello World!! ♡
I am the beautiful Erika Vixen La’Vine, and I have arrived!! Since 2012, I have been enjoying the wonders of slife through traveling, exploring, working, and accomplishing self-made goals. I am a woman of few words, but many Action and I wear just as many titles - mother, sister, homie, lover, friend, associate, sex symbol, and the sweetest addiction. Everyone I encounter has told me that I have an infectious sense of style and an addictive personality, charm, and charismatic. I try. :]

Although, I had many titles, my circle of realness was so small; I was missing true family, friends and a sisterhood. So I searched and searched and searched… annnddd searched. It wasn’t unil I found Saivee and the women of Iota SIgma Rho SL Sorority that I realized, they were what I was missing.  These women had everything that I needed and wanted - a close bond, loyalty, friendship, and so much more. They also shared the same important rl/slife views of service and sisterhood like me.

Service to all mankind is the root of success; being able to give back is near and dear to my heart. We are all one bad decision away from being on the other end of life’s spectrum. Sisterhood is no different than service. Its good to surround yourself with like-minded women from different walks of life so that you can learn from them.  Sisterhood, nor the world sister, is should not be taken lightly. It is a lifelong commitment that is forged through sweat, tears, and sometimes heartache.  

I am glad I had the chance to prove to these amazing women that I am worthy of their friendship, love, loyalty, respect, honor, and sisterhood.  Because of my personality, titles, and addictive ways, I will forever be known to SL greekdom as Rhoyally Addictive. I look forward to journey and many adventures ahead!

And for you who are looking for a sisterhood, who are not afraid of work, welcome to the end of your search and the beginning of greatness.


Ms. モяıкʌ Vϊxзη ŁαVıηё 

Iota Sigma Rho Sorority, Honorary Soror

Iota Sigma Rho Sorority, Design Leadership


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